
Motivational speaker author Devon Harris reading Keep On Pushing at a book signing

As a Man Thinketh by James Allen

As a Man Thinketh by James Allen is definitely one of the classics of motivational and self-help literature. This inspirational masterpiece was published in 1902 as a literary essay, and its title comes from a verse in the Bible: “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he,” which is basically saying: “All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts.”

Allen,pulled from many areas of philosophy and faith to compile this groundbreaking inspirational work. This short essay is a swift and highly motivating read. Its poetic style makes it sing along – and no matter how hard a man’s heart, this little gem is sure to affect him. As a Man Thinketh is old school “positive thought” meditation in written form, meant to be read again and again for inspiration.

Acres of Diamonds by Russell Conwell

Acres of Diamonds originated as a speech which Conwell delivered over 6,000 times around the world. It was first published in 1890 by the John Y. Huber Company of Philadelphia and is now one of the most famous and popular personal development books of all time.

Russell Conwell is best remembered as the founder and first president of Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and for his inspirational lecture Acres of Diamonds.He was born in South Worthington, Massachusetts and was buried in the Founder’s Garden at Temple University.

The central idea of the book is that one need not look elsewhere for opportunity, achievement, or fortune—the resources to achieve all good things are present in one’s own community. This theme is developed by an introductory anecdote, told to Conwell by an Arab guide, about a man who wanted to find diamonds so badly that he sold his property and went off in futile search for them; the new owner of his home discovered that a rich diamond mine was located right there on the property. Conwell elaborates on the theme through examples of success, genius, service, or other virtues involving ordinary Americans contemporary to his audience: “dig in your own back-yard!”.

Unleashing The Ideavirus by Seth Godin

Unleashing The Ideavirus is really an interpretation of the way human interaction, the Internet and marketing have fused into a new beast. A virus that can spread like wildfire and can quickly turn your simple small business or product into all the rage or a “has been” over night. Seth Godin, inspirational keynote speaker for businesses, presents ideas in this book are going to be hard to swallow for many old timers and experienced self-employed people, especially if you have been successful over the years.

It is easy to fool yourself into believing that you have it all figured out because you made it this far. Unleashing The Ideavirus book is filled with many examples of companies and businesses who use antiquated marketing techniques and are losing ground quickly. If you don’t want your small business to go the way of the dinosaurs, then get this book and don’t just read it, think about it as you read. I can almost guarantee that you will start making some changes. You may even start to feel a little panic setting in. GREAT!! We all need a little extra motivation sometimes.

Self mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion by Emile Coué

It is our imagination, not our will, that dictates the direction of our actions. Emile Coué gives us the simplest of all principles: conscious use of our own innate awareness, and proves to us that pure autosuggestion really can work to drastically change our lives for the better. His ideas seem mainly to have spread through his seminars and word of mouth. Surprisingly, Coué was not an inspirational keynote speaker, he was a pharmacist but undoubtedly a peculiarly charismatic and inspirational man. His great discovery came one day when a customer complained there was nothing in Coue’s pharmacy to relieve his chronic complaint. Coue sent the complaining man off with a mystery potion that had no medicinal value. He said to the man: “Well, here’s something new from Paris that has just arrived. They say it’s powerful and I’m sure it will help you. Take it and it will do you good.” A few days later the patient came into Coue’s pharmacy shouting and dancing with joy announcing that it was the most marvelous medicine he had ever swallowed. He claimed to be completely relieved from the chronic illness. Coue was understandably amazed at the results. He thought about the conversation with the patient a few days previously and came to the conclusion that this miraculous cure was the result of his off-hand remark to the man. This, he believed, produced the result and lead to a major breakthrough in his understanding of hypnosis and the power of suggestion.

How To Become A Leader by Christian H Godfrey

There is no such thing as a “natural born leader”. You are not touched by the grace of a fairy at the moment of birth and thus become a leader.Leadership can be learned. We all have leadership potential, just as we have some ability to sing or run. Some people may be better than others, but each of us has a starting point to build on with training and practice. You do not have to be officially designated as a leader of a group to be an effective leader. What makes a leader is a mix of skills. And skills can be learned. This free self improvement ebook will teach you how to cultivate your leadership qualities and improve on those you already have. “Good leadership consists of showing average people how to do the work of superior people.” John D. Rockefeller By becoming a leader, you will raise both your qualities and the quality of people working around you. It has the great benefit of helping other people overcome their limitations and improve on what they already do. Therefore it is a precious skill for success.

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D Wattles

One of the first self help books to hit the stands in 1910, The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D Wattles was path breaking in its approach to the acquisition of wealth as a science. It went on to be the inspiration for a whole genre of “how to” books that generations of readers found informative, practical and useful in their every day lives.Its original title was The Science of Getting Rich or Financial Success through Creative Thought and in this volume, the author puts down in clear and concise language the step-by-step approach to wealth. The hypothesis underlying the concept is that every human being has the power to conceive, believe and achieve financial success using thought, willpower and visualization. However he eschews competitive and unethical paths and shows the reader that great success can be attained through a cooperative and collaborative way. One of the things that makes The Science of Getting Rich so appealing to generations of readers is the concept of being in personal control of things. Ideas of taking charge of your life and achieving mastery over negative influences are eternally appealing.

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