The Team Captain’s Toolbox: Essential leadership traits


Leadership isn’t defined by the job title, expertise or years of experience. It’s about developing the perspective, skills and personal style to get results that matter. No one starts off by being an effective leader but you can aspire to transform yourself into an effective one and in the process make yourself more valuable to the organization. Following on the old adage, “leaders are made not born” this program focuses on individual development and is based on the belief that individuals can expand their leadership capacities; they can learn, grow and change. This program aims to equip attendees with the knowledge and skills that will help them to become more effective leaders and achieve better results faster.



What is leadership?

Having a clear vision.

Becoming an effective communicator

Participating in the process.

Showing courage

Having integrity

Achieving Leadership Success Through People


“People” – that is the honest answer from most managers when asked about what the most difficult challenge on their job is. People are also their biggest asset. The best leaders know their success depends on their ability to produce results through others and that follow people them, not because they have to, but because they want to. This program provides practical tools for leaders at all levels to learn how to effectively create rapport, synergy and trust with the people they work with and as a result, get the best from them for the leader the team and the organization on a whole.



What is leadership?

Having a clear vision.

Working well with others

Become a good mentor

Success through Peak Performance


Businesses are always looking for ways to increase productivity of their management and staff and to make their companies more profitable. The common practice is to create rigorous strategic plans that don’t always deliver the needed outcomes. I believe that companies must start with the fundamental premise that people are their business. More than strategy, branding, marketing, IT systems, etc.; people are key to the business and in order to develop high performing teams and transform their business, they must first transform their people into high performance individuals. The goal of this session is to empower attendees with the tools and strategies that will transform them into peak performers.



The discussions will seek to address specific challenges attendees are facing in the work environment and equip them with tools to raise their game and help them to perform at higher levels. Pursuant to further discussions with your planning team, the following topics will be presented.


Peak performance through a powerful personal belief system

Peak performance through positive focus

Peak performance through continuous and constructive self-evaluation

These are some of the questions that peak performers ask themselves not two or three times a year but on a regular basis. And, they use the results in a positive manner: a bench mark to raise their game. Attendees will be led through a discussion to examine these questions from a personal and team standpoint. They will learn to see that every day is a work in progress. There is always room for improvement.



Peak performance through persistence

Get In, Sit Down, Push Your Team To Success


Every organization relies on effective teamwork for progress. But how do we improve our collaborations to achieve bigger and better goals and achieve them faster? How do we blend all the differences in culture, beliefs, work habits and expertise to form a strong cohesive unit? How does a team improve leadership, reduce conflicts and remain focused on the vision? Get in, Sit down, Push Your Team to Success is comprehensive development programs that can help employees become better team members and improve the effectiveness and success of their teams.



The goal of this training is to help attendees better understand the importance of teamwork in both their personal and professional lives. It also reinforces the importance of individuals becoming better team members, which helps the team achieve its goals and paves the way for personal achievements. Pursuant to further discussions with your planning team, the following topics will be presented.


What’s a bobsled?

Getting in the sled

The team captain’s Toolbox

Negotiating the curves

Fine tuning the sled

Sanka, you dead?


Keep On Pushing & Live Your Best Life


Innate in our core as human beings is a desire to achieve increasing levels of success and to reach our full potential. Successful people – irrespective of their area of endeavor – demonstrate a profound drive to make the most of their talents in order to achieve their greatest personal and professional ambitions.



The goal of this seminar is to teach attendees strategies on how to push past inevitable obstacles and pursue larger, more aspirational goals in order to live their best life. Pursuant to further discussions with your planning team, the following topics will be presented.


Six Ways to keep on pushing

Getting out of your comfort zone



What do you see in the mirror?

Expanding your vision

Getting out of your comfort zone

Unleashing your power