
As a parent of 5, Devon knows how important reading with children is. His own life experiences have shown him how the right story can inspire kids to dream….dream big. That’s why he wrote the story of the Jamaican bobsled team in rhyme.

Most books will tell your child that a fairy tale figure will come and sweep her away from her difficulties and she will happily ever after. Yes, I Can! tells her that she has the power within. Through perseverance, belief in herself and others she will certainly live happily ever after with the efforts she made and the incredible healthy, confident way she now sees herself.

Here is an excerpt from the book that provides this lesson:

” Success isn’t always measured in the results that you earn.
Even if you didn’t score high on your test,
Be content in knowing you did your very best.
So all of you kids who are in school,
Enjoy your lessons, for learning is cool.
And even when the work gets too hard, it seems,
Never forget to follow your dreams.

Devon also knows that nothing helps a child succeed like an involved parent. A little willingness from a child’s parent supports the teacher’s effort and can work wonders in the classroom.

The lessons here are based on the book, Yes I Can! and are designed to reinforce the lessons in the book and present a wonderful opportunity for parents to work with their kids.