Keep on Pushing


What Determines Your Success?

Throughout the ages, the wisest and most profound thinkers have been trying to find the answer to one question: What determines success? Why is that some people enjoy deep personal relationships, close friendships, good health, a great income and all the other trappings of success while others are peering in through the shop window of […]

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Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

It was a typical traveling day in the tropics. Well bronzed tourists getting ready to board their flights back home, linger in the airport; in two minds about extending their time in paradise or getting back to the “real world”. New arrivals scurry through immigration eager to get their vacation started. I too was anxious

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The Pursuit of Excellence

In a bobsled competition, the race often continues long after the winners have been declared and in some cases, the medals have been presented. Interestingly, despite this fact, I have never seen any of the remaining teamsapproach their runs with a nonchalant attitude. You can easily make the case that completing the race is a

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Paying The Price

As I sit to write this we are literally only days away from the 20th Winter Olympic Games in Torino, Italy. At a recent speaking engagement someone asked me if I would be competing and I pointed out that I had retired from the sport due to a knee injury I had sustained years ago.

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Creating a New Beginning

How was your 2016? Did you have an amazing year? Were you able to make significant progress toward your goals and move your purpose forward? If you did!! AWESSOME!!! CONGRATULATIONS!! Congratulations on your success……a job well done….I celebrate with you and want to encourage you to keep doing what you are doing…..keep building on what

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creating new beginning

Creating New Beginnings

I first heard of Janus when I was in the tenth grade during a welcome back address from our vice principal after the Christmas break. Considered the god of gates and doors, this Roman god lent his name to the month of January and had a rather unusual appearance. He was depicted with a double-faced

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Goal Setting; Part IV

I trust you completed your assignment. Do you feel like you have a better understanding of the tremendous benefits of goal setting, why most people are afraid to set goals and some of the important things to consider when setting them? There is still a lot to be done so let’s get going! When we

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Goal Setting; Part III

If you’re like me or probably most men for that matter; when you buy a new piece of equipment you start putting it together instead of reading the instruction to learn how to properly do it. It is only after we make a mess of it that we consult the instruction to get a better

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I hope that over the last two issues you actually invested the time to identify the goals that would have the most significant impact on your life once achieved, determine the steps you need to take to achieve them, identify the person who can help you with their accomplishment and set the deadline for achieving

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